Obstacle Racing is a fast growing sport and it is easy to see why. The very idea of even watching an obstacle race is exciting. So what is it that separates those who run these races from those who have not? An idea. A simple idea at that. The idea that by pushing yourself mentally and physically through a tough challenge, you will become greater and stronger than you used to be. The idea that your own potential is greater than you imagine it to be. The same idea that separates those with big dreams from those who do what it takes to imagine those dreams and make them a reality. The idea that only through trial comes victory and confidence.
Mankind has always sought to push its own limitations in order to become greater. There is something built into us when we are born that drives us to take risks and work hard in order to succeed. Call it instinct or perhaps tenacity, it is what motivates us to push past the challenges that life throws at us.
Obstacle Racing gives us the chance to dive head first into the unknown. It gives us the chance to believe in ourselves. The chance to run full speed towards obstacles and dare to embrace challenges we normally would not. On obstacle courses we come face to face with the voice inside that often tells us we cant win. It is here that we conquer this voice, and approach it as a dare to be overcome.
Racers of all ages and athletic abilities run obstacle courses. Forget that voice that tells you that you aren't in good enough shape. Senior citizens conquer these events. People of all body types conquer these events. Young children even complete these events in courses designed specifically for their age. There is nothing keeping you from running Atlas Race except your own self doubt. Isn't it about time you show that inner voice of negativity who's really in charge?
The first reason is obvious: BECAUSE YOU CAN. When you read this, believe it. You are already reading this article which means you have already started down the path of convincing yourself you can finish an obstacle course. The only thing stopping you so far is doubt.
Imagine that you have already completed our course. Imagine yourself standing at the finish line after crossing it. Imagine what that feels like, knowing that you took on something truly challenging and finished it. Imagine all those doubts you have about your own strength and ability melting away. Imagine being able to use this experience as a launching pad to tackle things that come you way from now on. Imagine showing your friends the photos from your race.
Remember the challenges you have already accomplished in your life so far. Think about the tough times in your life. How do they feel now that you are past them? Do they feel like they made you tougher or mentally stronger than you were before they happened? This is why we run obstacle races. This is why we get out of bed and face the day on those mornings when it feels like we want to stay in bed. Because we overcome. As humans this is our primary mission in life. To overcome the tough challenges and to press on knowing that more may lie on the horizon ahead.
You will succeed because you already have it in you to succeed. You need only to unlock the doors of your own potential. You once were a child and the world in which you existed was far more simple. Things were provided and given to you. But at some point in your life you earned something on your own. You had experiences which forced you to learn on your own without the help of others. Once you did these things you felt a feeling of pride. A feeling of accomplishment. This feeling is the reason why we love obstacle racing. This feeling is why we become so attached to this sport and end up running more obstacle events. Once you register for an event you already succeeded in silencing that inner voice. You already defeated the first obstacle which is self doubt. Once you arrive to your event and see the course in front of you, this doubt which you once overcame becomes even quieter. You feel the tingling in your body that tells you this is about to be a life experience. A major memory. All thoughts of giving up will give way to thoughts of excitement and anticipation. You will succeed because you are now in control of doubt. You will succeed because you want to succeed.
Obstacle courses give us the chance to embrace our inner child and have a blast on a tough, dirty course that is in essence a giant challenging playground for adults. Yes the obstacles are tough, and you will want them to be. You will want to stand at the finish line and think back to these challenges and how you overcame them.Embracing the course and getting dirty and muddy and sweaty is half the fun. Climbing, scurrying, balancing, trudging, and crawling our way through this course will be one of the most physical challenges most of us will face in our lives. But along the way you find yourself grinning ear to ear, laughing, gritting your teeth, and pushing with everything you have. On this course you are truly living, fighting against the elements and proving to yourself what you are truly capable of.
The most enjoyable way to run an obstacle race is to run with your friends. Whether you are running individually in the same heat or running as a team, this is an experience that is meant to be shared. Grab a friend, family member, or co-worker and run together. This is an experience of unity when ran with friends or acquaintances. Half the fun is talking about the race with your buddies after you finish.
Obstacle Racing is a hobby, a sport, and a passion. Most people who run one will run more in the future. The experience is addicting. There is a giant network of obstacle course racing enthusiasts online. A great way to get to know the sport and the events is to seek them out. We have found this community to be a very open, honest, and helpful community more than willing to help answer questions from those who have not yet experienced the sport. One thing they all agree on: Obstacle Racing has changes their lives for the better.
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